Ambiguity Tolerance and Coping Strategies as a Predictor of Successful Treatment Outcomes of Patients in Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Programs Based on a 12-Step Format
Rasche, Faith Susan
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This study investigated the relationship between ambiguity tolerance, successful treatment outcomes, and reported coping strategies for clients in an outpatient alcohol treatment program. Participants (n = 18) completed the MSTAT-II (ambiguity tolerance) and the Self-Regulating Drinking scale (coping strategies). It was hypothesized that individuals with high ambiguity tolerance would have a higher rate of program completion and report more confrontational coping strategies than those with low ambiguity tolerance. Results found that ambiguity tolerance was not significantly correlated to either completion rates or choice of coping strategy.
ambiguity tolerance, coping strategies, treatment outcomes, relapse triggers, smoking scenarios, drinking scenarios
Rasche, F. S. (2012). Ambiguity tolerance and coping strategies as a predictor of successful treatment outcomes of patients in outpatient alcohol treatment programs based on a 12-step format (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.