Three-Tiered Approach to Ecotourism Research: Meta-Analysis, Statistical Analysis, and Field Study




Stanley, Nathanael B.

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Community-based ecotourism has the capacity to achieve all three sustainability factors: economic, social, and environmental. It is through the emergence of sustainability science that this paradigm has begun to manifest on a large scale. Ecotourism development is a manifestation of the growing ecological paradigm that views humans as having a responsibility to live within, rather than dominate, their natural environment. Through a meta-analysis of 30 different community-based ecotourism enterprises located in terrestrial and marine protected areas in biodiversity hotspots around the world, and through a field study located in the cloudforest of the Peruvian Amazon, this thesis demonstrates support for community-based ecotourism as a method for achieving sustainability. Through analyses in this thesis, it is evident that sustainable development can be achieved through community-based ecotourism, and more importantly through the empowerment of local populations in remote areas of floral, faunal, and marine biodiversity.



community-based ecotourism, sustainability, ecotourism, anthropology, applied anthropology, ethnobotony, empowerment, conservation, Peru, cloudforest


Stanley, N. B. (2014). Three-tiered approach to ecotourism research: Meta-analysis, statistical analysis, and field study (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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