Creating Infrastructures for Long Term Digital Preservation for Libraries, Museums and Memory Institutions




Uzwyshyn, Raymond

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In the new millennium, long term digital preservation infrastructures have become important areas for libraries and memory institutions. Academic libraries have particularly taken these areas to heart because of their unique historical role as stewards of knowledge. This presentation provides a pragmatic focus and overview on how to build these new frameworks for digital preservation storage infrastructures in the new millennia for museums, libraries and memory institutions. Best practice models currently implemented at Texas State University Libraries are shared. This includes reviewing requirements for forming a Digital Preservation Working Group to surveying digital preservation tools (i.e. Archivematica, cloud based storage space models). How to conduct a digital storage needs estimate are discussed as well as reviews of consortia and commercial digital storage possibilities (Amazon Web Services, Duracloud, Texas Digital library). The importance of environmental scans in making storage provider recommendations are also emphasized. Outsourcing, working with in-house staff and hybrid options are considered, as well as rationales for long term digital preservation, emerging media standards and new tools for website archiving and archiving unique digital formats.



digital preservation, libraries, memory institutions, museums, digital preservation technology infrastructure


Uzwyshyn, R. (2021). Creating infrastructures for long term digital preservation for libraries, museums and memory institutions. Presented at the Internet Librarian 2021 Connect Conference.


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