Faith in Action: A Mutual Adoption Pact




Renick, Oren
Dolezal, Carl
Marlow, Tim
Barber, Stacey

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The youth of today are being denied an opportunity to learn through service. Service can provide youth with a sense of direction and accomplishment. These foundations lead to confidence and compassion during the often tumultuous years of young adulthood. College and high school student organizations are ideal sites to teach service-excellence to tomorrow's leaders. The Southwest Texas State University's Student Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) is such an organization. The Mutual Adoption Pact (MAP) is an intergenerational service-mentoring program between youth and senior adults. The ultimate goal of MAP is to build enduring relationships that are mutually beneficial to those who give and receive care. Through this goal, those involved can gain a profound understanding of leadership, caring and service. Program description, development, and results are detailed for possible replication by other communities.



service, mutual adoption pact


Institute for Quality Improvement in Long Term Health Care. (2000). Faith in action: A mutual adoption pact. (IQILTHC Series Report 2000-3).


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