Measurement of learner attitudes toward Internet delivered multi media

dc.contributor.advisorFrench, Deanie
dc.contributor.authorGardner, Donna D.
dc.description.abstractWhat do learners think about the use of Internet delivered multi media techniques for instructional purposes? What are learners' attitudes towards learning while using Internet delivered multi media? Few studies have been published that examine learners' attitudes towards learning in a multi media environment. Learning in the twenty-first century is increasingly inundated with new technology. Learners are being faced with opportunities to find information on demand and interact with their teachers and with fellow students outside of the traditional classroom. They need to be able to draw on their own findings, knowledge and experience to enable them to adapt what they learn. This thesis focuses on developing an instrument to measure learners' attitudes and beliefs towards learning using Internet delivered multi media. A large portion of this study was development of a valid and reliable instrument. This process required careful and critical analysis of the terminology, word choices and statements. This valid and reliable attitude assessment tool can be continuously refined as it is tested with new groups. This study describes learners' attitudes towards Internet delivered multi media. The subjects in this study anonymously completed the pre-test and experienced an on-line Internet delivered multi media presentation. The subjects, then, anonymously completed the post-test after the intervention. A significant difference in attitudes towards Internet delivered multi media between the two identified comfort groups was found on the pretest and does not exist on the post-test. It is assumed the intervention is responsible for changing the subjects' attitudes towards Internet delivered multi media. Such that after viewing the short multi media segment, those uncomfortable with computers now have a higher attitude score for multi media.
dc.description.departmentHealth Information Management
dc.format.extent71 pages
dc.format.medium1 file (.pdf)
dc.identifier.citationGardner, D. D. (2002). Measurement of learner attitudes toward Internet delivered multi media (Unpublished thesis). Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.
dc.subjectinternet in education
dc.subjecteducational technology
dc.titleMeasurement of learner attitudes toward Internet delivered multi media
dc.typeThesis Services and Research Human Resources Texas State University of Science in Health Professions


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