A Rule-Based Real-Time Scheduler




Elliott, Dale Bardill

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In this thesis I propose enhancing a real-time scheduling algorithm to better meet the future needs of real-time systems by increasing its decision-making abilities. This enhanced scheduler can apply its additional intelligence in the fields of real-time dynamic scheduling, precedence constraints and transient overloads. Additionally, this algorithm will allow the scheduler to alter the current schedule based on a request by a running task. This feature is not available in other real-time scheduling algorithms. The scheduler has two components; the Base Scheduler and the Inference Engine. The Base Scheduler produces the first-run task schedule and the Inference Engine changes it if certain conditions apply. Those conditions, as well as the corresponding changes, are stored in a Rule Base that dictates what the scheduler does in specific situations. This thesis also explores ways of reducing the increased overhead brought about by these additional features.



software engineering, computer algorithms, real-time control, rule-based programming


Elliott, D.B. (1992). A rule-based real-time scheduler (Unpublished thesis). Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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