La evolución del lector activo en la narrativa de Mario Vargas Llosa




Dyer, Dennys Pabél

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The twentieth century brought technological innovations, advances in medicine and, of course, wars. There is no doubt that during this period mankind experienced changes that in one way or another influenced the development of history and literature. In this paper we focus on Twentieth-Century Latin-American Literature and specifically on one of its major authors, the Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa. The first works of this author greatly challenge the individual’s reading ability through innovative storytelling that demands an active reader participation in the production of meaning. However, over time, the writer moves away from complex works and adopts changes that revolve around a more linear and less “chaotic” narrative. To examine this narrative evolution in the works of Vargas Llosa, three novels from three different times are analyzed: Conversation in the Cathedral (1969), History of Mayta (1984) and El héroe discreto (2013). After analyzing these works it is discovered that the active participation of the reader is necessary in all works of the Peruvian writer but to a lesser degree according to the chronology of its publications. The result of this evolution in the narrative of Vargas Llosa causes his works to be more accessible to an ever wider readership.



Lector activo, Narrativa, Llosa, Vargas, Lenguaje, Ruptura del tiempo


Dyer, D. P. (2015). La evolución del lector activo en la narrativa de Mario Vargas Llosa (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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