Musical Exploration Beyond the Realm of Entertainment: Justification for a New Course




Daniels, Bailey A.

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Formal music education encompasses a large variety of skills and knowledge, with everything from conducting, to composition, to music history, and instrument mastery. At Texas State University, however, no course investigates music’s role in other fields of study. This thesis’ purpose is to introduce a music exploration course designed to present music as a useful tool to multiple fields of study, while teaching students how music can be used for more than personal entertainment. Within this thesis, I explain why this class is a necessary addition to the curriculum, the anticipated students who might take the course, and how this course might reveal different career interests. To offer a better understanding of Music Exploration Beyond the Realm of Entertainment, my thesis includes a preview of content that would be covered in the class and reading material. Music is known to be a fine arts practice, but this class aims to expand individuals’ perception of music as more than just a fine art. With topics like music therapy, film music, and music’s connection to retention, students will leave the course with a new perception of how music can be used in various fields of study.



music, education, courses


Daniels, B. (2021). Musical exploration beyond the realm of entertainment: Justification for a new course (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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