Culture Change in Texas: A Survey of Practices, Implementation and Legislation in Long-Term Care




Seaton, David
Edwards, Christina

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Culture change refers to the national movement that calls for the transformation of long-term care services for elders and individuals with disabilities. Culture change considers and respects the person-centered values of the individual receiving care and the people who provide care to the individual. In Texas, culture change has reached to nursing homes for elders, long-term care settings for individuals with disabilities, and has affected legislation concerning state supported living centers. This monograph discusses culture change adoption in Texas, organizations that support culture change, and legislation involving culture change and Texas' State Supported Living Centers for individuals with disabilities.



culture change in Texas, person-centered care, culture change legislation, Texas Long Term Care Institute, Texas state supported living centers, long-term care


Texas Long Term Care Institute. (2011). Culture change in Texas: A survey of practices, implementation and legislation in long-term care. (TLTCI - Culture Change Monograph 2 of 2).


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