Use of Ultrasound in the Estimation of Parameters for the Prediction of Carcass Merit in Yearling Brangus Cattle

dc.contributor.advisorPerkins, Tommy L.
dc.contributor.authorCrain, Amy Diane
dc.contributor.committeeMemberAbel, Michael
dc.contributor.committeeMemberMiller, Roy V.
dc.contributor.committeeMemberHarrison, John
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the beef industry has made a commitment to the consumers to produce leaner beef. Real-time ultrasound has become a tool in which producers can predict the quality of animals that they are producing while the animal is still alive. Therefore, selection can occur not only based on expected progeny differences, but also carcass merit. Six hundred and twenty-seven head of yearling Brangus cattle were ultrasonically measured with an Aloka 500V real-time, linear array ultrasound unit at the 12th and 13th rib interface to measure subcutaneous fatness (FTU) and ultrasonic longissimus muscle area. Actual carcass measures were taken on forty head of the animals in order to compare the two measures. Yield grade and quality grade were predicted by using different variables. Actual difference values between FTU and FTC and LMAU and LMAC indicated an underestimation of fat thickness (-.02cm) and an overestimation of longissimus muscle area (1.52cm2). Expressed as percentages of the carcass measures, these difference values may be interpreted as proportional error rates of 37.58% for fat thickness and 5.03% for computer traced longissimus muscle area. Simple correlation coefficients between ultrasonic and carcass measures of FT and LMA were .58 and .88, respectively. The carcass fat thickness was slightly correlated to HCW (.25). The correlation between FTC and KPH was .61 in this study. Carcass longissimus muscle area correlation coefficients between FTU ( .17), KPH (-. 02), and HCW (.62) were also obtained in this study. T-tests were performed to determine if there was a significant difference between the purposive sample of 587 head and the sub-sample of 40 head for fat thickness and longissimus muscle area. These tests showed that there was not a significant difference between the sample and sub-sample for fat thickness. However, they indicated a significant difference for longissimus muscle area between the sample and sub-sample. This research indicates that ultrasound can be an accurate predictor of carcass merit. However, more research is needed to determine significant relationships between ultrasonic and carcass measures. Also, yield grade and quality grade prediction methods need to be fine tuned.
dc.description.departmentAgricultural Sciences
dc.format.extent57 pages
dc.format.medium1 file (.pdf)
dc.identifier.citationCrain, A.D. (1995). Use of ultrasound in the estimation of parameters for the prediction of carcass merit in yearling Brangus cattle (Unpublished thesis). Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.
dc.subjectbeef cattle
dc.titleUse of Ultrasound in the Estimation of Parameters for the Prediction of Carcass Merit in Yearling Brangus Cattle
dc.typeThesis Texas State University of Education


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