Academic Burnout in Health Professions Students




Sawyer Theaker, Katherine
Trad, Megan
Herrin, Shannon
Gibbs, Karen

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Photovoice and Interprofessional Education To reduce stress and create a meaningful educational experience, researchers developed an interprofessional education (IPE) experience utilizing photovoice. Faculty from the Radiation Therapy (RTT) program and the Physical Therapy (DPT) program asked students to submit one image that represented the most significant thing from their academic experience and explain its significance through a reflective response. Photovoice has been documented as a low stress teaching methodology that has been utilized in a variety of fields, including radiation therapy, to stimulate reflection and growth. Purpose The purpose of this study was to create cohesion and community among two student cohorts of differing programs and allow them to visualize how their educational journey was similar to or different from each other. Researchers hoped to gain insight into their students’ academic journey to better meet the needs of future students. The finding of academic burnout was an incidental finding and sparked the researchers’ interest in this topic.



academic burnout, health professions, students


Sawyer Theaker, K., Trad, M., Herrin, S., & Gibbs, K. (2024). Academic burnout in health professions students. Poster presented at the Health Scholar Showcase, Translational Health Research Center, San Marcos, Texas.


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