Embroiderers of Memories: Tearing Down Walls of Oblivion




Henriquez Consalvi, Carlos

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This panel will discuss the multifaceted collaboration between El Salvador’s Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen (Museum of the Word and the Image) and the University of Texas at Austin since the formalization of the partnership in 2014, thanks to the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Founded in 1999, the Museum (commonly referred to by its acronym MUPI) collects, preserves, and educates on El Salvador’s historical and cultural heritage. After the Civil War (1980-1992) and with the signing of the Chapultepec Peace Accords in 1992, journalist Carlos Henríquez Consalvi, directed a team initiative to rescue diverse archives and audio files on social movements; this conservation effort has been extended to include diverse themes regarding Salvadoran culture, identity, and history. Carlos Henríquez Consalvi, founder and Director of MUPI, will provide an overview of the institution’s mission, collections, and work with local and international communities. Most recently, in an effort to connect with and educate El Salvadoran-descendant youth in the United States, the Museum has created a collection and designed an accompanying traveling exhibition titled Bordadoras de Memorias (Embroiderers of Memories) of embroidery works created by peasant women as testimonials of the armed conflict during the 1970s, newly digitized and soon-to-be-made available through UT-Austin’s Latin American Digital Initiatives (https://ladi.lib.utexas.edu/) portal.


Digital Frontiers Session: Cultivating an International Partnership to Connect Diverse Communities


Bordadoras de Memorias, Embroiderers of Memories, El Salvador, Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen, University of Texas at Austin, connecting communities


Henriquez Consalvi, C. (2019). Embroiderers of memories: Tearing down walls of oblivion. [Conference presentation]. Digital Frontiers Annual Conference, Austin, TX, United States.


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