Views of Loneliness and Creativity: The Relationship Between Loneliness and Health-Related Quality of Life




Besse, Robin

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Although there is extensive literature documenting the effects of loneliness on mental and physical health, very few studies have investigated how individuals view loneliness. As a result, this study examined the relationship between views of loneliness and several different variables including level of loneliness, creativity, and mental and physical domains of health-related quality of life (HRQL), as well as how views of loneliness may mediate the relationship between such factors. Results indicated that level of loneliness and creativity were significantly negatively correlated. In addition, there were several trends (approaching traditional significance levels): views of loneliness were positively correlated with level of loneliness, views of loneliness were positively associated with creativity, and views of loneliness were positively associated with mental health scores. Additionally, age was found to be negatively correlated with views on loneliness. Multiple regression also yielded significant results, with age successfully predicting views of loneliness; each of the major variables represented by the survey instruments (level of loneliness, creativity, and the mental and physical health subscales of HRQL) were significant as well. Together, the results provide further insight into the role that views and meanings of loneliness can have in one’s health and behaviors.



creativity, health-related quality of life, loneliness


Besse, R. (2012). Views of loneliness and creativity: The relationship between loneliness and health-related quality of life (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.


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