Student Academic Support Programs (SASP) Conference

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TXST’s Student Academic Support Programs (SASP) Conference brings together hundreds of students and professional staff from across campus who work in academically-focused positions supporting student success. Participants may choose from more than 20 concurrent sessions on educational theory, professional and personal development, and working with a variety of student populations, in addition having the opportunity to present to peers.


2024 SASP Conference Theme: The Student Academic Support Programs (SASP) Conference gathers together a community of peer educators and leaders who are committed to influencing the current and future states of academic support at Texas State. The current rate of change to programs and services on campus is both challenging and exciting; a state requiring us to be innovative, transformative, and adaptable, and to embrace evolution and opportunity in order to serve more students, train more student personnel, and determine how to meet students where they are. This year’s conference theme asks participants to spend time Reimagining, Redesigning, and Reinventing Student Success.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
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    Conflict Resolution P.U.G.S.S.
    (2024-02-24) Smith, Ky; Williams, Sámone
    No abstract prepared.
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    Belonging: Insights from Transfer Students about Sense of Connection and Student Success
    (2024-02-24) Estevez Posadas, Blanca; Suh, Emily
    What does it mean to belong? What factors influence students’ sense of belonging? Through a student-ready college and transfer receptive culture framework grounded in student agency and autonomy, we explore factors transfer students of color identify as impacting their sense of belonging. Transfer students have important insights on the factors influencing all students’ sense of positive and negative belonging—and what educators can do to facilitate belonging as a student success initiative.
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    Careers in Student Affairs
    (2024-02-24) Dean-Scott, Shannon
    No abstract prepared.
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    Change and Choice
    (2024-02-24) Dean-Scott, Shannon
    No abstract prepared.
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    The AI Revolution is Here
    (2024-02-24) Hall, Matthew
    The AI Revolution is Here: How to Become an AI Mastermind Overnight and Take Over the World Artificial intelligence has exploded in capability and accessibility, possessing astounding potential to amplify human effectiveness. This interactive session explores key concepts and real-world applications of AI. Through absorbing demonstrations and immersive activities, attendees will discover how to distinguish between AI, machine learning, and deep learning. We’ll demystify critical concepts from neural networks to natural language processing. Attendees will leave AI-fluent, able to apply techniques like prompt engineering for tasks from generating essays to creating art. We’ll have candid conversations around ethics and AI’s societal impacts. Attendees will gain insights into leveraging AI across sectors while maintaining thoughtful oversight of its rapid development. People of all backgrounds are urged to join – unlock your potential by understanding how AI can serve you. This session will equip attendees to harness the power of AI to amplify their personal and professional success and become AI masterminds overnight!
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    Information Skills and Why They Matter
    (2024-01-23) Williams, Jess
    Finding, organizing, evaluating, and ethically using information are critical skills for both academic and career success. Because these information skills are often integrated throughout the curriculum, it can be a challenge to identify best practices. Learn strategies to improve how you research online, organize your digital life, and distinguish between misinformation and quality resources. Time-and-money-saving resources, tools, and expertise from the University Libraries will be shared.