What Not To Do: Learning by Example in the Republic and Gulliver's Travels




Fitzgerald, Keri L.

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Through aesthetic techniques, Plato’s The Republic and Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels provide the reader with efferent knowledge, benefitting the reader’s understanding of the entirety of each text. Plato and Swift employ form, characterization, and the theme of vision to challenge readers to find meaning by asking for reader involvement, making the reader an essential part of the text in order for the texts’ lessons to be completed. Additionally, the comprehension of Part IV of Gulliver’s Travels requires attention not only to the tools acquired in Parts I-III, but also to the learning experiences of Republic. These texts are not straightforward arguments for the perfect society, but carefully crafted exercises designed for the reader.



Plato, Swift, republic, Gulliver's travels, transactional, efferent, aesthetic, reading


Fitzgerald, K. (2010). What not to do: Learning by example in the Republic and Gulliver's Travels (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.


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