A Descriptive Study of Chief Information Security Officers’ Roles and Responsibilities in Texas State Government Agencies

dc.contributor.advisorRangarajan, Nandhini
dc.contributor.authorVelasquez, Sanjuanita
dc.contributor.committeeMemberInbody, Donald
dc.contributor.committeeMemberSone, John
dc.descriptionAn Applied Research Project Submitted to the Department of Political Science, Texas State University, in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Public Administration, Spring 2016.
dc.description.abstractResearch Purpose: The purpose of this research is to describe the responsibilities of Texas Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs). This research should give stake holders, and policy makers a better understanding of Chief Information Security Officers’ responsibilities. In addition, it provides information security professionals a landscape of CISOs’ responsibilities. A comprehensive review of the literature was used to develop a framework with five descriptive categories: managerial, legal, technical, career development, and information security. Method: This research via a survey, developed from the conceptual framework, gathered data the responsibilities of CISOs. An open records request was sent to all state offices in Texas. The survey was distributed to 100 CISOs. After carefully sifting through the responses received for the open records request, a total of 100 names of CISOs or titles similar to that were obtained. As a result the survey was administered to a total of 94 potential respondents. A total of 27 individuals responded to the survey, and out of 27 respondents only eleven explicitly identified as Chief Information security Officers. Results: The results of this survey show that CISOs overwhelmingly support several managerial, legal, and information security responsibilities as extremely important. Extremely important responsibilities include risk management (77%), incident response (77%), information security polices (74%), procurement and contracts (70%), ethics (81%), data security (89%) and network security (70%). Survey results also revealed that respondents alluded to software development as not part of CISO responsibilities (66%).
dc.description.departmentPublic Administration
dc.format.extent85 pages
dc.format.medium1 file (.pdf)
dc.identifier.citationVelasquez, S. (2016). A descriptive study of chief information security officers’ roles and responsibilities in Texas state government agencies. Masters of Public Administration, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.
dc.subjectinformation security
dc.subjectinformation resources
dc.subjectdata security
dc.subjectchief information security
dc.titleA Descriptive Study of Chief Information Security Officers’ Roles and Responsibilities in Texas State Government Agencies
dc.typeApplied Research Project


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