Educational Programming for Pupils with Neurologically Based Language Disorders: Final Report




Zedler, Empress Young

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To investigate procedures whereby schools may achieve maximal results with otherwise normal underachieving pupils with neurologically based language-learning disorders, 100 such subjects were studied over a 2-year period. Fifty experimental subjects remained in regular classes in school and received individualized teaching outside of school hours from specially trained clinicians. Fifty matched control subjects were enrolled in special education classes and did not receive clinical teaching after school. Half of the experimental and half of the control subjects had anti convulsive medication prescribed by their physicians; the others did not. Tests of academic achievement and mental functioning indicated that the experimental groups made significantly greater gains in both variables than did the control. However, the medicated groups did not make greater gains than the unmedicated.



academic achievement, after school education, basic skills, comparative analysis, drug therapy, exceptional child research, individualized instruction, intelligence differences, language handicaps, language instruction, learning, learning disabilities, main streaming, minimal brain dysfunction, special classes, student evaluation, tutoring, underachievement, Curriculum and Instruction


Zedler, E. Y. (1968). Educational programming for pupils with neurologically based language disorders (Project No. 5-1062). U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Education.


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