Toting an Idea: A Practical Ideal Model for the Design and Distribution of Personal Recycling Containers for Multi-family Dwelling (MFD) Tenants




Smith, Colin

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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to create a practical ideal model for the design and distribution of personal recycling containers for multifamily dwelling (MFD) tenants. By examining MFD recycling program infrastructures more closely, barriers to tenants’ ability to recycle appear. It is suggested that providing personal recycling containers will help tenants overcome those barriers. Methods: A questionnaire was employed to gather the data for this study. Judgment and snowball sampling methods were utilized to identify those in the sampling frame. Individuals in the U.S. and Canada were asked to participate and each was required to have knowledge or experience regarding the provision of personal recycling containers. Participants were ask to give their opinion regarding ideal methods of design and distribution. Results: Fifty-one individuals participated and a practical ideal model was produced (see Chapter 6). Notably, personal recycling containers were found to be best method to educate and inform tenants about recycling and tote bags were found to be the best form of personal recycling containers. Furthermore, participants identified the same barriers to MFD recycling identified in the literature: transportation, storage, and space. Conclusion: While this model may not always fit the contours of a specific area’s MFD recycling program, it should still serve as a practical guide towards what is currently understood as ideal. The support this study exhibits for the use of recycling tote bags and the still unrefined aspects of the model warrant further research.


An Applied Research Project Submitted to the Department of Political Science, Texas State University, in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Public Administration, Spring 2014.


recycling, multifamily dwellings, MFD, tote bag, bin, apartment, participation, community-based social marketing


Smith, C. (2014). Toting an idea: A practical ideal model for the design and distribution of personal recycling containers for multi-family dwelling (MFD) tenants. Masters of Public Administration, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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