Resources for Battering Intervention and Prevention Programs in Texas to Mitigate Risk Factors Which Increase the Likelihood of Participant Dropout




Helton, Peggy

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Domestic violence is a significant public health issue with devastating consequences. A great deal of debate and research has focused on how to stop this type of violence. Individuals who commit acts of family violence are often ordered by courts to attend battering intervention programs. The goal of these programs is to change the offender's abusive behavior and stop the violence. Unfortunately, attrition rates in battering intervention programs are high, and many participants drop out before completing treatment. The purpose of this applied research project (ARP) is two-fold. The first purpose of this ARP is to collect information on resources available in Texas that mitigate risk factors which increase the likelihood of participants dropping out of battering intervention programs. The second purpose of this ARP is to develop a guidebook of those resources for use by providers working in Texas Battering Intervention and Prevention Programs (BIPP). This guidebook can be used to refer batterers to community based programs and social service agencies in Texas and to find additional information on strategies which may assist providers in retaining participants in treatment. A thorough literature review was conducted to identify the risk factors of participant drop out. These factors were classified into the following categories: lifestyle instability, behavioral/mental health issues, weak motivation/commitment, and demographic factors. Descriptive categories were used as a conceptual framework to classify risk factors. Document analysis, a telephone survey, and a literature review were conducted to identify strategies and Texas resources useful for addressing risk factors of participant drop out. The information collected is contained in a guidebook organized by risk factors and can be found in Appendix C of this document.


An Applied Research Project Submitted to the Department of Political Science, Texas State University-San Marcos, in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Public Administration, Spring 2011.


battering intervention, prevention programs, Texas, batterers, BIPP, BIP, Batterers intervention programs


Helton, P. L. (2011). Resources for battering intervention and prevention programs in Texas to mitigate risk factors which increase the likelihood of participant dropout. Masters of Public Administration, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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