Lyndon Baines Johnson: The Formative Years




Pool, William C.
Craddock, Emmie
Conrad, David E.

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Southwest Texas State College Press


The narrative that comprises the pages of this book is a story of the pioneer background, the home, and the environmental factors that influenced the early life of Lyndon Baines Johnson. Beginning with the early history of the Texas Hill Country and featuring geographical determinism as a central theme, the authors bring the story of the making of a United States President from his ancestral heritage in the Pedernales River valley of Blanco County through his boyhood and school days in and near Johnson City, to his student years at Southwest Texas State College, and through his first years as a teacher in the public schools of Texas. While this is doubtless a story that will he told many times in the years to come, it is essential that a part of the total contribution be made by Texans who understand and appreciate the forces of geography and sectionalism that loom large in the complex character of Lyndon Baines Johnson.



presidents, Johnson, Lyndon Baines, United States, Texas


Pool, W. C., Craddock, E., & Conrad, D. E. (1965). Lyndon Baines Johnson: The formative years. Austin: Southwest Texas State College.


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