Police Civil Service in Texas: A Survey of Attitudes of Selected Police Officers




Castillo, Rick

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Police civil service is a system which like many others, evolved from a need to remedy undesirable practices. Realizing the nature of public employment, specifically police service, standards and practices must be established and adopted which ensure the highest quality service. Within this realm, issues such as working conditions, economic considerations, and morale continue to provide constant challenges for police administrators and elected officials. As society changes, demands and expectations also change. The public is now voicing concerns as never before. This attention and change provides the impetus for examining the current Texas civil service system. Although this study is concerned specifically with police civil service, a vast majority of the literature concerns civil service employment in the larger scope. Hence, the facets of employment influenced by civil service, are not limited to the police profession.


An Applied Research Project Submitted to the Department of Political Science, Southwest Texas State University, in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Public Administration, Spring 1993.


police officers, Texas, civil service


Castillo, R. (1993). Police civil service in Texas: A survey of attitudes of selected police officers. Masters of Public Administration, Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.


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