Affordable Housing: Connecting Goals of Affordable Housing with Commonly Used Policies and Policy Tools




Jobe, Van Erick

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Purpose: The purpose of this research was threefold. First, scholarly literature was examined to identify three major goals of affordable housing. Second, polices and policy tools used to address affordable housing were identified from the literature. Finally, policy advocates and developers in Austin, Texas, were sent a questionnaire designed to assess their attitudes and opinions regarding policy and policy tools regarding the first two goals. Methodology: This study was descriptive in nature, as the literature failed to provide a comprehensive set of policies and policy tools best suited for accomplishing the goal of affordable housing. Eighty Housing advocates and developers were surveyed to assess their attitudes and opinions in light of the three goals developed from the research to meet the goals of affordable housing. As such, this research fills the gap by connecting the major goals of affordable housing with commonly used policies and policy tools. In addition to making this connection, this research also offers a guide for increasing and preserving affordable housing units. Results: The responses for survey questions indicate that commonly used policies and policy tools aid in providing access to affordable housing for all income groups, the preservation of existing affordable housing stock and improving access to affordable housing for disadvantaged communities. However, some policy and policy tools, were identified to be more successful or favored than others for meeting particular goals.


An Applied Research Project Submitted to the Department of Political Science, Texas State University-San Marcos, in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Public Administration, Spring 2009.


affordable housing, tax increments, financing, homestead preservation districts


Jobe, V. E. (2009). Affordable housing: Connecting goals of affordable housing with commonly used policies and policy tools. Masters of Public Administration, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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