Fostering a College-going Culture for Historically Underserved Students: One Principal’s Role




Martinez, Melissa A.
Everman, Daphne Jane

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SAGE Publications


Current scholarship focused on a college-going culture and college readiness in schools often underestimates or gives little attention to the role of the school leader. This study draws on qualitative data from a larger descriptive case study to help fill this gap by examining the role and approach of one principal at a public high school in Texas that has found success in graduating a large proportion of its racially and economically diverse student population college ready. The principal's leadership strategies and challenges he faced are revealed through his narrative and the perspective of multiple stakeholders to more aptly understand how his role and approach contributed to the school’s college-going culture.



college readiness, high school principal, college-going culture


Martinez, M. A., Everman, D. (2017). Fostering a college-going culture for historically underserved students: One principal’s role. Journal of School Leadership, 27(2), pp. 242–268.


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