Report of the Southwest Texas State College Research Conference on the Problem of Dyslexia and Related Disorders in Public Schools of the United States




Zedler, Empress Young

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Association for Children with Learning Disabilities


Some guidelines and recommendations for improving teacher education in order to meet the needs of severely disabled learners are presented. The suggestions include improving professional training for teachers, psychologists, supervisors, and counselors at all levels. Training should include the study of dyslexia and the preparation of a pilot report as material for workshops, institutes, and in-service training. It is suggested that a national conference of an interdisciplinary nature be held to consider recommendations for further research. Finally, the awarding of grants to school systems and training Institutions is recommended to implement further study and specialized training.



agency cooperation, college preparation, cooperative planning, curriculum research, dyslexia, guidelines, learning problems, methods research, pilot projects, teaching methods


Zedler, E. Y. (1968). Report of the Southwest Texas State College research conference on the problem of dyslexia and related disorders in public schools of the United States. Proceedings of the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities. Boston, Massachusetts: Association for Children with Learning Disabilities.


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