Mobile Device Use in the Classroom: High School Students' Experiences and Perceptions




Cater, Scott
Garza, Ruben

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Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education


As mobile devices (smart phones in this study) become more ubiquitous, many students find themselves carrying a personal mobile device to school every day. This action research study examined mobile device use among high school students. Main findings about current trends in mobile reflected three themes: (a) looking up words, (b) research, and (c) text messaging. Findings related to high school students’ perceptions about mobile devise use also reflected three themes: (a) easy, (b) fast, and (c) enjoyable. The voices of mobile learners provide support for each theme, reflecting an authentic account that teachers and administrators might consider when implementing mobile use to enhance learning. While this study showed that high school students typically approve of their mobile learning experiences, implications for further research are conveyed.



mobile devices, students, high school, learning experiences, student perspectives


Cater, S., & Garza, R. (2015). Mobile device use in the classroom: High school students' experiences and perceptions. In D. Slykhuis & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, 20 (pp. 1592-1597).


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