To Choose or Not to Choose: An Analytical Look a the Data Collected by Witte and Associates Concerning the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program




Gonzales, Rayana

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The purpose of this research is to observe the effects of participating in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program on the students' achievement in Reading and Mathematics. Literature surrounding the voucher debate is reviewed through the viewpoint of an economist and that of an educator. This unique approach is followed by an explanation of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program. An analytical look at data collected from the Milwaukee program is provided. This is accomplished by comparing the standardized reading and math test scores, from the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) data set, of participants previous to entering the choice program to ITBS test scores collected after different years of participation. The time range of participation is from one year to five years; however, not all students continued participation in the program after the first year. An explanation concerning the unexpected results concludes this study.


An Applied Research Project Submitted to the Department of Political Science, Southwest Texas State University, in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Public Administration, Summer 2001.


Witte and Associates, Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, students' achievements, reading achievements, mathematics achievements


Gonzales, R. (2001). To choose or not to choose: An analytical look a the data collected by Witte and Associates concerning the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program. Masters of Public Administration, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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