IOT Based Network Management Portal for Augmented Reality Applications




Radhakrishna, Chaithra

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Internet of Things (IoT) along with the evolution of Wireless sensor networks and Augmented Reality technologies has opened many avenues in multiple real-world scenarios that need extensive human interaction. The potent combination of technologies seamlessly amalgamates real and digital world allowing us to improvise in the field of education. Zigbee wireless protocol (802.15.4) has been instrumental in achieving low cost continuous monitoring systems but the ability to demonstrate the network topology depends solely on the distance separating the various nodes. We improvise the existing protocol and thus facilitate the nodes to form mesh topology based on pre-defined parameters but predominantly based on Link Quality Indicator (LQI). A network management portal is created which gives us the ability to control the type of desired network topology based on the defined protocol and interact with actuators. This further integrates with an Augmented Reality application thus providing us with an ability to control and visualize the topology through the AR interface. A comparative analysis of the node behavior under different external factors is done and conclusion is made regarding the sustainability of the proposed model for short range experimentation in educational applications.



network management, portals, augmented reality, link quality indicators


Radhakrishna, C. (2018). IOT based network management portal for augmented reality applications (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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