Workplace Literacy Through Social Exchange: Case Studies in Student and Practitioner Collaboration Projects




Haake, Vita M.

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This thesis presents case studies of two academic and workplace collaborative course projects in a technical communication graduate program. Through a literature review, this thesis explores academic and workplace collaborations, workplace literacies, and theories of learning that apply to the specific case studies. The case studies evaluate email communications and academic papers for the purpose of measuring workplace literacy in three categories: functional, relational, and critical.



student practitioner collaboration, literacy, workplace literacy, digital literacy, critical literacy, relational literacy, functional literacy, multiple literacy, technological literacy, electronic communication, electronic collaboration, email, electronic mail, internship, service learning, technical communication, technical writing, socialization, social exchange, social interaction, workplace culture, cultural adaptation, reflection, reflective analysis, critical thinking, project planning, team building, situated learning, sociotechnological theory


Haake, V. M. (2011). Workplace literacy through social exchange: Case studies in student and practitioner collaboration projects (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.


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