Preliminary Assessment: Evaluation of Management Practices for Environmentally Sensitive Golf Courses




Bray, Stacy

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This preliminary research study was developed for golf courses located in sensitive areas. The report is also intended for use as an educational tool for other golf courses to understand and implement environmental stewardship practices. Golf course environmental management is moving away from traditional standards and water policies towards environmental stewardship and land and water management. Golf course environmental ethics are developing to invoke practices and employ methods that reduce the use of chemicals and that increase water conservation. While this preliminary assessment of BMPs for environmentally sensitive golf courses targets the foundational steps to establish BMPS, additional studies and collaborative work are necessary to establish final BMPs and environmental ethics guidelines for golf course management.



water quality, conservation, habitats, golf courses, turf management


Bray, S. (2010). Preliminary assessment: Evaluation of management practices for environmentally sensitive golf courses (Report No. 2010-10). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.


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