Texas State University Libraries Open Datathon

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10877/17944

The Texas State University Libraries Open Datathon challenges TXST students to immerse themselves in the world of open data resources and data science. Participants will work collaboratively to make a meaningful impact on real-world issues through open data and share final digital artifacts to support TXST university communities aligned with the university's mission.

Learn more about the Open Datathon at: https://guides.library.txstate.edu/c.php?g=1364098&p=10097529

Please use this form to upload your final poster to this collection: Open Datathon Digital Poster Deposit Form


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
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    Predicting Texas Public Universities Retention Rate With Multi Variable Linear Regression and Neural Networks in R
    (2024-02-16) Pavlicek, James
    This study reveals that faculty salaries, academic preparedness, and student demographics are pivotal to student retention at Texas public universities, providing data-driven strategies to enhance institutional success and growth.
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    Economic, Demographic, and Farmer’s Perspective on Cover Crop Adoption: A Survey Approach
    (2024-02-16) Amin, Bonny
    Cover cropping (CC) can enhance soil health, economic, and environmental sustainability, however adoption rate is 3~5% across the USA. Because the benefits and challenges due to adopting cover crops are site-specific and heterogeneity of farmers perspective, economic and demographic factors vary nationwide. In this research, cover crop adoption (dependent variable) factor will be determined in perspective of economic (total gross annual sales), demographic (age, farm size, gender, race, and years of experience in farming), and farmers’ perspective (benefits and challenges). Online survey questionnaires will be distributed including close and open-ended questions with convenience sample size following a cross-sectional survey design. The survey results will be analyzed and described using descriptive and logistic regression model. The dependent variable, farmers' chance of adopting cover crops, will be measured by the regression model, considering their perspective, economic, and demographic aspects. Farmers' opinions on cover crops, the reasons behind heterogeneity and its patterns will be ascertained through qualitative data analysis. It was found from the pilot study (n=30) that cost sharing or incentives would encourage farmers to use cover crops. The results of the regression model indicated that the adoption of cover crops is significantly impacted negatively by farm size, or total acreage operated. Additionally, it came to light that the adoption of cover crops is positively but marginally impacted by the farms' total yearly gross sales. From the research findings policymakers will be able to design farmers’ friendly conservation programs considering heterogeneity and diverse perspective of farmers to encourage cover crop adoption across the United States. Therefore, government can promote sustainability, provide credit balances and every stakeholder can gain from conservation initiatives.
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    Impact of AI in Education Processes
    (2024-02-16) Adhikari, Saksham; Sharma, Kusum Bhattarai
    We did data analysis on a open dataset which contained responses regarding a survey about how useful students find AI in the educational process. We cleaned the data, preprocessed and then did analysis on it. We did an EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) on the dataset and visualized the results and our findings. Then we interpreted the findings into our digital poster.
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    The Impact of Educational Technologies on K-12 Student Learning
    (2024-02-16) Garza, Max; Gross, Jenna
    This analysis documents the impact of educational technologies on student learning as reported by K-12 school administrators. Correlation analysis and decision tree classification were used to understand the impact of specific technologies on learning outcomes and the impact of technology generally on student learning outcomes.
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    Texas State Retention Rates and Interventions​
    (2024-02-16) Akaluso, Chioma; Faxigue, Ryan; Lechuga, Diego; Syzov​, Alex
    This project dives into the retention rates of students at Texas State University. We will address the problems, expand on findings, and divulge in possible solutions.
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    The Epidemic of Mental Health Amongst Young Adults
    (2024-02-16) Adeyinka, Blessing; Ogbolu, Ashley; Guajardo, Emily
    The trends of mental health issues among young adults over time, and the impact on the demographics in the year 2022.
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    E-cigarattes: Puff or Pass?
    (2024-02-16) Bhagat, Shivendra; Sah, Sumit; Rijal, Samrakshan; Bhattarai, Shreejal
    E-Cigarette are one of the most used narcotine-substitute of traditional Tobacco cigarettes. They are the most preferred choice of teenagers in the present context. Our project delves into analyze is it a good substitute: as common perception, or it inherently has bad or even worse consequences than cigarette themselves.
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    From Texas to the Cosmos: The James Webb Telescope, Open Source, and the Bobcats' Stellar Journey
    (2024-02-16) Ortiz, Evan; Ranson, Taylor
    In order to find planets that potentially have life, we are searching through the data collected by a professor at Texas State University.