Journal of College Academic Support Programs

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Published biannually in Fall and Spring, the J-CASP seeks articles on such topics as pre-assessment, assessment, and interventions for college readiness; college placement, academic advising, and counseling and completion pathways; and developmental education course models and innovations for developmental mathematics, postsecondary literacy, and student success literacy (e.g. co-requisite, contextualized, accelerated, emporiums, integrated, paired, learning communities, academic bridge programs, and boot camps). Additional topics include but are not limited to non-course based options (NBCOs) and learning support models such as tutoring, mentoring, coaching, computer-based instruction, content-based learning labs, and various types of peer-educator support programs.

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    Supporting Students on the (Academic) Margins: An Equity- Driven Framework
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2023-03-31) Virtue, Emily; Lett, Erika; Cheshire, Grace; Brown, Diamond; Gregory, Whitney
    No abstract prepared.
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    Using a Trauma- Informed Approach to Encourage Academic Help- Seeking Among Ethnically Diverse Students
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2023-03-31) Selva-Rodriguez, Ashley M.; Trammell, John; Minutello, Michael; Mudry, Rhonda
    No abstract prepared.
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    The ACCelerator Advances Student Success Through an Innovative Learning Space at Austin Community College: An Interview with Curtiss Stevens
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2023-03-31) Lollar, Jonathan; Pipper, Camrie
    No abstract prepared.
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    The Value of Volunteer Leadership for University Students Formerly Enrolled in Prescribed Reading: An Anti-Deficit Model
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2023-03-31) Nelson, Timothy
    Local volunteer opportunities hold the potential for university students to develop as leaders and engaged members of the academic community, but students taking prescribed (sometimes termed developmental education) courses may be overlooked as candidates for these kinds of opportunities. Taking an anti-deficit stance, university faculty may promote student success by recruiting students from prescribed courses to participate in carefully-designed volunteer programs. In this qualitative case study, I explored the perceptions of growth in the areas of academic engagement and leadership and the motivation to participate in future community volunteer service in student volunteers who had previously been enrolled in prescribed reading courses. Three such university student volunteers reflected on their experience as leaders in a short-term academic outreach program for high school students. In open-ended survey and interview responses, the university volunteers described their development of specific skills as well as changes in self-perception. Their responses indicated that they perceived the volunteer experience as effectual in all the investigated areas. Notably, they reported that serving as role models for youth encouraged specific academic habits. The study includes descriptions of the academic outreach program with supporting theory for its design because the context of the volunteer service cannot be separated from the findings. This study is a unique contribution to student success literature—there is no previous model linking students from prescribed courses with community volunteer opportunities.
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    The Peer Tutor and Supplemental Instruction Leader Experience: Perceived Gains in Learning, Connection to Campus, and Fulfillment
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2023-03-31) Cofer, Rebecca
    This study explored the perceived gains of postsecondary peer educators, specifically related to their views of learning, feelings of connection to campus, and feelings of fulfillment as a result of their roles. The peer educator in the campus learning center is a critical but undervalued resource for student success. This is reflected in the literature, which has a gap in the research related to the experience of the peer educators themselves. To address this problem, a survey was sent through public listservs to college learning assistance professionals, who then distributed it to their respective peer tutors and SI leaders (N = 1217). Using three open-ended questions from the Peer Educator Experiences Survey, I analyzed responses to generate several themes for each question. I identified five distinct themes from responses to the first question, which asked participants about their views of learning. Of the five themes, “learned how/ways people learn” had the highest frequency of responses (n = 239). I discovered four themes from responses to the second question that asked about the most rewarding aspect of their jobs. For this question, the theme of “helping/witnessing growth” was the most evident response (n = 326). The final question asked about participants’ connections to campus; again, four themes identified four distinct themes. The theme of “campus people/resources” proved to be the most populous (n = 203). institutions and learning center administrators should consider these results when recruiting, training, assessing, and requesting funds for these programs.
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    A Phonologically Based Reading Intervention for Undergraduate English Language Learners At-Risk of Reading Difficulties: A Pilot Study
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2023-03-31) Cook, Michelle; Hughes, Elizabeth
    Researchers have reported that English language learners (ELLs) may be at risk of reading difficulties in the postsecondary setting. Although some students may only require explicit content-related vocabulary instruction and support with comprehension strategies in order to enhance comprehension, others may benefit from targeted short-term intervention in foundational reading skills. In this study, we examined whether a phonologically based reading intervention for undergraduate ELLs at-risk of reading difficulties would result in significant between-group differences for the proximal variables of decoding and sight word recognition and the distal variable of reading comprehension. This pilot quasi-experimental group design study involved 9 participants (treatment = 6/control = 3) from various L1 backgrounds, including Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic. Effect sizes were calculated for the proximal variables using measures of word attack and letter-word identification, and the distal variable based on a measure of passage comprehension. Although a small and small-medium effect were calculated for the measures of word attack and letter-word identification, respectively, no effect was found for the measure of passage comprehension. Implications related to intervention dosage and additional intervention components are discussed.
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    Journal of College Academic Support Programs, Volume 5, Issue 2, Spring 2023
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2023-03-31)
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    In Memoriam: A Tribute to Mark "KBECK" Killingbeck
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2022-09-26) Lollar, Jonathan
    No abstract prepared.
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    In Memoriam: A Tribute to Linda Thompson
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2022-03) Patty-Graham, Karen
    No abstract prepared.
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    Journal of College Academic Support Programs, Volume 5, Issue 1, Fall 2022
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2022-09-26) Hodges, Russ; Guckert, Denise Annette; Lollar, Jonathan
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    Implementing Contextualization Into the Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) Classroom: Making IRW “Worth it”
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2022-09-26) Slentz Reynolds, Jessica; Sarker, Amber L.
    The importance of contextualization within postsecondary contexts has been embraced by the state of Texas, as shown by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s (THECB) Accelerate Texas Initiative (THECB, n.d.). Contextualization, in short, is the teaching and development of basic skills and knowledge within a specific disciplinary topic (Perin, 2011). Perin (2011) claims that transfer of learning theories and learner motivation theories suggest that contextualization is one means of improving instructional methods within the postsecondary context. According to the THECB (2016), Accelerate Texas programs are designed to integrate or contextualize basic reading, math, and writing skills with workforce training, providing students with opportunities for college transition and entry into high demand occupations. The Education Institute (TEI), a grant-funded center within the College of Education at Texas State University, has provided educators with contextualized professional development modules that can be utilized in a variety of postsecondary courses.
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    Using Tableau Theater in the Integrated Reading and Writing Classroom
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2022-09-26) Lussier, Kristie O'Donnell; Shetron, Tamara H.
    Tableau Theatre is an instructional method that fulfills two of the most timely needs in developmental education today: enhancing student motivation and providing engaging learning activities (Saxon et al., 2015). As a form of highly contextualized learning, the use of total body engagement, or, what Asher (1969) referred to as total body response (TPR) stimulates brain activity, a prerequisite for learning (Hinton et al., 2012; Rinne et al., 2011; Toshalis & Nakkula, 2012), and allows space for a uniquely studentconstructed response to the text as opposed to a traditional lecture-style class.
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    Implementing a Specialized Student Success Course for Veterans and Military Connected Students
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2022-09-26) Lollar, Jonathan; Reyes, Catharina
    The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, the 1985 Montgomery G.I. Bill, and the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill all represent a commitment of higher education to support a unique population of students— namely—student veterans (Vacchi et al., 2017). To assist with improving the types of support offered to student veterans, there has been a small surge in research being conducted with this student population in the recent decade (e.g., Demers, 2011; Diamond, 2012; Elliott et al., 2011; Hammond, 2015; Jones, 2013; Sansone & Segura, 2020). Researchers point to several obstacles in higher education that can impact student veterans. For example, for some, learning to seek help when needed is often a challenge. According to Vacchi (2012), student veterans may feel they must live up to a false expectation and not burden others with their problems. He also found that student veterans have indicated challenges with interactions with faculty and difficulty with disability accommodations. Other researchers suggest that student veterans struggle with being more mature, being impatient with their traditional- age civilian student peers (DiRamio et al., 2008), and having a student life that is less structured than military life (Rumann et al., 2011).
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    Supporting Reading Comprehension for English Learners At-Risk of Reading Difficulties in the Postsecondary Classroom
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2022-09-26) Cook, Michelle; Hughes, Elizabeth
    For many English Learners (ELs), access to post-secondary education has been limited (Kanno, 2018; Kanno & Cromley, 2015; Kanno & Kangas, 2014). This inaccessibility is evident in admissions data for 2-year colleges and even more pronounced for 4-year colleges (Kanno & Kangas, 2014). Indeed, Kanno and Cromley (2015) noted the contradictory situation where the K–12 EL population has continued to increase; however, this growth has not translated to admissions into 4-year college programs. Additionally, colleges have not been transparent in terms of their reporting related to the overall success of ELs in their programs (Kanno & Cromley, 2015). Of particular concern to post- secondary educators is that lack of access has been attributed in part to deficits in reading proficiency (Kanno & Cromley, 2015).
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    A Baker’s Dozen of Influential and Exemplar Pre-2000 Publications for the College Reading and Study Strategies Field
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2022-09-26) Stahl, Norman; Armstrong, Sonya
    Throughout the 20th century, a limited number of scholarly oriented books and monographs were issued that should have had great influence on later theory, research, and praxis associated with the college reading and study strategies field. Yet, these works have been, at least to some extent, lost to the winds of time. The lessons that can be learned from each text are important as we move through the reform era of the first three decades of the 21st century. This manuscript is intended to provide a review of selected foundational works of the 20th century of which early-career and established scholars in the field of college reading and learning strategies should have a working knowledge.
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    Antiracist Activities and Policies for Student-Led Study Groups
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2022-09-26) Arendale, David; Abraham, Nisha; Barber, Danette; Bekis, Barbara; Claybourne, Chardin; Epps, Bruce; Hutchinson, Kelle; Jimenez, Juan; Killingbeck, Mark; Pokhrel, Richa; Schmauch, Niki; Woodruff, Rosemarie
    Issues of race and marginalization do not often intersect with publications related to developmental education and learning assistance. Too often, these issues have been ignored. This guide to antiracism policies and practices for student-led study groups is based on a careful review of scholarly articles, books, existing guides, practical experiences by the authors, and feedback from the study group administrators in the field. While much has been written about culturally-sensitive pedagogies for K-16 classroom instruction, little has emerged for guiding postsecondary peer study groups regarding antiracism practices. This guide helps address this gap in the literature and recommended practices. In addition to its application for academic study groups, this guide has value for faculty members to incorporate antiracism learning activities and pedagogies into their courses. Effective learning practices are identified in this article that can be adapted and adopted for supporting higher student achievement, closing the achievement gap, increasing persistence to graduation, and meeting the needs of culturally-diverse and historically-underrepresented students. This is an excerpt from a much-longer and detailed guide that will be published in the near future.
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    #CampusScavengerHunt: A Professional Development Workshop Using Digital Literacy to Build Student’s Self- Efficacy and Sense of Belonging on Campus
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2021-02-15) Edgel, Tricia; McCarstle, Sandra; Reyes, Norma S.; Leibold, Angela
    College bound students are faced with not only navigating a new environment but also faced with finding their “place” in a new community. Educators have a role to support students’ academic growth, self-efficacy (Schunk & DiBenedetto, 2020; Bandura, 1977), and sense of belonging (Brady et al., 2020; Hurtado & Carter, 1997) on campus. However, many educators are only explicitly taught about the need to support students’ academic needs. These practitioners need professional development to build their understanding of the importance of increasing students’ self-efficacy and fostering a sense of belonging on campus. Professional development in these two areas provides support for instructors as they extend their hand to students. In this paper we describe a short professional development workshop designed for teaching university seminar instructors about the importance of actively increasing their students’ self-efficacy and sense of belonging on campus by utilizing digital literacies (Andres, 2020; Gee, 2012) as a way to build campus community and classroom engagement (Clarke & Wilson, 2016) via Instagram Stories in their class assignments.
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    Harnessing Talent: A Tiered, Accelerated Leadership Model for Academic Support Programs
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2021-02-15) Workman Alyea, Lindley; Reyes, Catharina; Allred, Samantha
    While student-leadership models are not uncommon among Supplemental Instruction (SI) programs, Texas State University has developed a tiered leadership model providing real-world paraprofessional experience to the undergraduates and graduates who serve as its leadership (Skalicky & Caney, 2010; The International Center for Supplemental Instruction at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, n.d.). The intention of this model is to increase the responsibility of each tier, creating more marketable new professionals while allowing fulltime staff members to focus on larger programmatic objectives. Under Texas State’s tiered SI leadership model, undergraduate student leadership is primarily responsible for front-line program coordination while graduate student leadership functions as a half-time professional, coordinating personnel management from recruitment to onboarding and managing initial program assessment each semester. Professional staff members closely monitor and concentrate on the work and development of the student leadership through weekly team meetings, individual bi-weekly meetings, and annual leadership retreats focused on needs assessment and larger program goals. The outcome is a heightened professional development experience for student leadership with greater ability of full-time staff members to better allocate time to other administrative tasks, metaphorically creating “hours” in the workday.
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    Staying on Course During the Pandemic Storm: Challenges and Opportunities
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2021-02-15) Childers, Essie
    Figuratively speaking, I would like to compare higher education as the train, the mountain as COVID-19, and the little blue switch engine as CASP. Hold those thoughts for a moment. The landscape of higher education has changed dramatically amidst the pandemic. We, as a nation have experienced COVID-19 illnesses and deaths. There has been a rise in police brutality with conflict between people of color and the police. For example, consider the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. Also, we see crises in the economy and public health sectors, continued segregation in housing and public education, loss of jobs, students moving out of dorms to switch to remote learning, and the list goes on and on. However, life continues to happen, and students must continue their education. It is no wonder our students need our help to navigate through this pandemic.
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    Virtual Learning Assessment: Practical Strategies for Instructors in Higher Education
    (Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2021-02-15) Denton, Kenneth; Simmons, Michelle
    Many universities have been designing and implementing online instruction for years, but the COVID-19 pandemic created an unexpected impetus for the expansion of virtual learning. Instructors and students who may not have previously chosen or experienced online instruction found themselves in need of safe, virtual options, and it appears that the general shift to virtual learning is here to stay. Strong, reliable assessment is a major component of virtual instruction, and instructors have several options for structuring student feedback. This article reviews the relevant literature regarding effective online assessment techniques and makes recommendations for the use of examinations and more authentic assessments, including video demonstrations, group projects, and discussion forums. Various data analytics within Learning Management Systems (LMS) are also explored. Discussion includes implications of online assessment and avenues for important research to strengthen response to this growing need.